Need a Solution?
Solution Providers is a diversified sales and service provider, serving Goa in its core business — Water Management, Waste Management and Pest Management. With customer-oriented customized solutions, Solution Providers caters to Individuals, Offices, Industries and Professionals.
Today with innovative technologies and state-of-the-art products, we have grown into an accomplished player in the field of water, waste water and pest management.
Reverse Osmosis Filters

Our Reverse Osmosis Water Filteration Systems removes all toxins, bacteria, viruses, suspended solids and dissolved chemicals. Itmakes bore-well/salty water drinkable, while removing contaminants that may cause high blood pressure, kidney stones, indigestion, gastric bacterial diseases, etc. The Filters enhance taste by removing undesirable salts and minerals, without using any chemicals to purify your water.
Sewage Treatment Plants

Along with the expertise acquired by our consultants in setting up 100s of STPs and ETPs, we have set right quiet a few STPs in Goa, and are in a process of setting up even more.
Our Core Objectives are:
- Compliance to statutory PCB norms
- Reduce operational cost
- Reduce total project cost and the capital investment
- Reduce time for start up projects